Nothing is as important as truth.
Straight Talk. Real Solutions.
Meet Marissa Bryce
Hello, my name is Marissa Bryce, and I am a mother of four students in Keller ISD. I’m running for Keller ISD School Board Place 1 to bring a fresh and unifying perspective. I invite you to learn more about me and my positions.
Clear and Consistent Communication
We each play a vital role in the bigger picture, but we can’t assume everyone is working toward the same goals without collaboration. It’s time to break down silos, foster transparency, and build trust together.
Our teachers are the backbone of education
When we invest in teachers, we invest in the future of our children and our community. As a school board member, I will stand with our educators, advocate for policies that empower them, and ensure they have the freedom to do what they do best—teach. Let’s end the war on teachers and create a culture that values and uplifts those shaping the next generation.
Where I stand.
Since January there has been a great deal of discussion surrounding the idea of reshaping the district. This idea became immediately contentious causing an understandable amount of concern and an unfortunate amount of division among us. As things stood, we had yet to see a complete proposal and I could not support any decision regarding reshaping the district without clear evidence pointing the way. Much more importantly, my heart is burdened by the wild accusations, unfounded rumors, and vicious treatment I have witnessed in our community. I will speak the truth clearly in a trustworthy manner, and I ask that we all treat each other with respect as humans, believing the best of one another and holding each other accountable with integrity. It is far past time for level-headed conversations that leave rumors behind. Now that dividing the district is no longer an option, it is time to rebuild broken trust and the mend the division in our community.
Texas continues to let our public schools down with underfunded mandates, an unfair Recapture system, and a refusal to raise the basic allotment, leaving districts like Keller ISD struggling to keep up. We must continue advocating for Recapture reform, increased funding, and forward funding on state mandates to ensure our students and teachers have the resources they need. At the same time, Keller ISD must remain diligent in finding efficiencies that cut costs without compromising the quality of education. As a school board member, I will fight for the funding our schools deserve while ensuring we make smart, strategic decisions to raise the standard of education for every student. I run an extremely fiscally conservative home, and I commit to thoroughly investigating all our options to reach a balanced budget. Budget cuts are never fun, but I will strive to clearly communicate the reason each cut is necessary.
Clear and consistent communication between the school board, district, communities, and city leaders is essential to solving the challenges facing our schools. Each of us plays a vital role in the bigger picture, but we can’t assume everyone is working toward the same goals without collaboration. It’s time to break down silos, foster transparency, and ensure that every decision reflects the needs of our students and families. As a school board member, I will prioritize open dialogue and partnerships that strengthen our schools and community.
Our teachers are the backbone of our education system, yet they face increasing hostility, unrealistic expectations, and political interference that make their jobs harder. It's time to stop treating educators as enemies and start supporting them with the resources, respect, and fair compensation they deserve. When we invest in teachers, we invest in the future of our children and our community. As a school board member, I will seek to establish trust by guarding parental rights, standing with our educators, advocating for policies that empower them, and ensuring they have the freedom to do what they do best—teach. Let’s end the war on teachers and create a culture that values and uplifts those shaping the next generation.
One of the natural challenges of the public school system, or any educational system for that matter, is avoiding the one-size fits-most approach. Inevitably, some students will be underserved by a system that is not designed to meet their specific and unique needs, but rather prioritizes a unilateral minimum standard above all else. Yes, we should afford everyone an opportunity to learn and grow, but it is a disservice to our students and waste of district resources to force students to play rugby, when they are only interested in soccer. Education should be centered on student engagement and guided by qualified educators. I will consider each decision and policy with the specific needs and desires of students based on data, and balance these priorities with academic achievement standards with the understanding that individual student success is largely based on their own passion and the encouragement of parents and teachers to learn.
As a parent, I believe no one knows or cares for a child more than their family. In Texas, parents are the primary educators, with the right to guide their child’s education without government interference. Choosing public school doesn’t mean surrendering that right, and no authority should infringe upon it except in extreme cases of abuse. Schools, as government entities, often focus on protecting themselves—I will be a voice for parents, ensuring our district remains accountable to families. Defending parental rights isn’t just important; it’s the first step in keeping our children safe.
The School Board has the power to raise and lower taxes, making it crucial to balance funding public education without wasting taxpayer dollars. Navigating Texas’ complex school funding laws is challenging, but I believe we must plan ahead rather than rely on frequent bonds, which many in our community dislike. Keller ISD has already maximized local tax retention through “Golden Pennies,” meaning raising taxes further is largely ineffective due to the state's “Robin Hood” recapture program. While I don’t support sending more of our tax dollars to the state, I won’t let our district risk insolvency or state takeover. I will always advocate for lowering taxes when possible and will ensure clarity when increases or bonds are truly necessary, so our community understands where every dollar goes.
I am proud to be a Christian, and my faith will always shape how I view public policy and make decisions. However, I do not believe in forcing my beliefs on others—doing so would contradict the very core of Christianity.
I firmly believe in liberty—that freedom cannot exist without responsibility. To me, true civil liberty is best expressed in the Declaration of Independence:“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
With this in mind, I will always stand for truth, speak with clarity, and lead with integrity. My vote is not for sale. I will uphold common-sense, moral policies that protect freedom and push back against ideologies that threaten it.